Imperial Valley Health District


601 Heber Avenue Calexico, CA 92231


The Imperial Valley Healthcare District (IVHD) was created through state legislation in 2023 to serve the nearly 180,000 residents of Imperial County. The creation of the IVHD was a significant step in improving access to medical care in Imperial County. Below are some commonly asked questions about the formation of IVHD and what to expect in the coming years.

What is the Imperial Valley Healthcare District?

The Imperial Valley has historically faced healthcare disparities impacting primarily low-income residents, many of whom are immigrant farmworkers. The purpose of IVHD is to consolidate and coordinate medical services and improve healthcare access and cost-saving benefits for residents.


The creation of IVHD, through state legislation, led to the dissolution of the Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District (PMHD) and Heffernan Memorial Healthcare Districts (HMHD).


Imperial Valley Healthcare District

How is the District Funded?

A permanent funding source for IVHD is under development and will be presented to the voters at an election by no later than November 2026. If approved by voters, this would create a dedicated source of funding to support the maintenance of facilities and delivery of services to County residents.

Why Create a Single Healthcare District in Imperial County?

Creating one united, integrated healthcare system provides a foundation for improved, more sustainable, and expanded health services for residents. Only two hospitals serve the entirety of Imperial County, and existing facilities are struggling financially and unable to make necessary health and safety repairs.

The County has also historically suffered from a lack of access to high-quality care.

This consolidation could result in multi-millions of dollars in savings through the coordination of medical services, streamlined contracting, and reduced administrative costs. At the same time, we can expect these hospitals to qualify as sole community hospitals across two campuses which would trigger an increase in Medicare reimbursement of several millions of dollars per year.

What Will Happen to Existing Hospitals in Imperial County?

At IVHD, our mission is clear: to deliver compassionate, high-quality healthcare to every individual, ensuring that no one is left behind. We envision an Imperial County where healthcare disparities are a thing of the past, and every resident has the support and access they need to live a healthy life.

For these reasons, a countywide healthcare district needed to be created that could incorporate the facilities and stabilize healthcare in the Imperial Valley. By existing under the IVHD, these hospitals are expected to qualify as the sole community hospital across two campuses, triggering an increase in Medicare reimbursement of several millions dollars per year.

How is the District Governed? What Oversight is in Place?

The initial Board includes representation from the previously existing Healthcare districts as well as local and tribal governments in Imperial County. The legislation that created IVHD requires that the board of directors shall consist of all elected members by the conclusion of the 2028 general election. These members will represent seven Districts adopted by the board in May 2024 after a series of public meetings and community input.

How and When Was the District Created?

In response to Imperial Valley’s urgent health crisis, Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia introduced Assembly Bill 918 (AB 918), which established one united healthcare district in the County of Imperial.

The legislation passed overwhelmingly, 78-0 in the State Assembly and 40-0 in the State Senate. This bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on October 8, 2023.

What Has the District Done Since its Creation in 2023?

The IVHD has achieved several milestones in the consolidation of healthcare services and meeting the requirements of the state legislation that created it.

Division into Voting Districts:

The district has been successfully divided into seven voting districts, created through an open process that included several public hearings.

El Centro Regional Medical Center (ECRMC) Acquisition Terms:

IVHD has approved a Letter of Intent for the acquisition of ECRMC and has entered into negotiations to finalize the acquisition.

Dissolution of Heffernan Memorial Healthcare District (HMHD):

HMHD was successfully dissolved as of July 25, 2024.

Dissolution of Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District (PMHD):

IVHD has recommended a dissolution date for PMHD.

We are here to help.

Together, we can create a healthier, stronger, and more resilient Imperial Valley—where everyone has the opportunity to live their healthiest life.

Join Us to Build a Healthier Imperial Valley

The Imperial Valley Healthcare District is here for you, your family, and your future. Together, we can shape a brighter tomorrow for all. Stay connected with us to learn more about our services, upcoming events, and ways you can take part in fostering a healthier community.